Your membership and donations are greatly appreciated. With your help, we can generate tens of thousands of dollars for a typical Veteran or Surviving Spouse over the balance of his/her life.
American Patriot Service Corp. is a non-profit service organization, funded entirely by donations and membership fees. We conduct outreach services and help Veterans apply for VA benefits. There is never a charge for the service we provide.*

It is time for us to show appreciation for our heroes in uniform that have sacrificed, bled, and even died defending our freedom.
There are three ways you can donate:
NO VETERAN LEFT BEHIND INITIATIVE – Detail on how you can help!
Friends of APSC:
Friends of APSC are the financial backbone of our Charity. We can’t survive without their support. Though some pay more, typically our friends donate $25.00 dollars per month. These donations support our outreach efforts as well as provide the funding needed to support our ongoing operations, and serve the approximately 2,000 Veterans and Surviving Spouses currently on claim. To become a friend of APSC CLICK HERE
Certified Volunteers:
Certified Volunteers are typically professionals that earn their livelihood serving the veteran community. When they choose to associate themselves with APSC, they commit to a demanding code of ethics and use their professional expertise to assist wartime veterans and surviving spouses. They also provide financial support to the charity to help provide assistance to the most financially fragile of those we serve. For more information CLICK HERE.
Individual & Corporate Gifts and Grants:
Please let us know if you or someone you know is in a position to help us secure individual, corporate or institutional gifts or grants. APSC has superior ratios and is eligible for numerous types of gifts and grants. We just need to be introduced to those gatekeepers that can help us help our veterans! To make an introduction CLICK HERE.
Corporate Sustaining Members:
We invite businesses, foundations, organizations, and trusts that either receive significant revenue from veteran families and organizations or desire to join our no Veteran Left Behind Initiative to become Corporate Sustaining Members. We need this community from restaurants to dry cleaners, dentists to animal hospitals, karate & dance studios to automotive repair shops to help us help those that secured their freedoms and ability to exist as organizations. To Join CLICK HERE
Pay it Forward Donations:
Approximately one-third of our revenue comes from pay it forward donations. When we help a veteran, It costs on average $900 to process that claim. That cost is covered by someone that previously sponsored 1 or more veterans. Though we invite those we serve to make a donation so as to help the next person, we help everyone regardless. Since inception, the average claim during the remaining lifetime of our claimants is in excess of $75,000. For more information CLICK HERE
No Veteran Left Behind Volunteer:
Many we serve come to us from volunteers that actively look for Veterans and Surviving Spouses that need our help. They locate potential candidates, screen them for eligibility, help track down VA required documents, and work with our legal team to gather the needed information. They witness firsthand the dramatic impact their efforts have on some of the most vulnerable among us. Though many are also Friends of APSC, that is not required.
*APSC does not provide legal or tax service